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Results 1 to 25 of 784

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A case study for energy issues of public buildings and utilities in a small municipality: Investigation of possible improvements and integration with renewablesFIASCHI, Daniele; BANDINELLI, Romeo; CONTI, Silvia et al.Applied energy. 2012, Vol 97, pp 101-114, issn 0306-2619, 14 p.Conference Paper

Brass chains from a public building in the area of the bathhouse at TiberiasLESTER, Ayala; HIRSCHFELD, Yizhar.Levant (London). 2006, Vol 38, pp 145-158, issn 0075-8914, 14 p.Article

An energy self-sufficient public building using integrated renewable sources and hydrogen storageMARINO, C; NUCARA, A; PIETRAFESA, M et al.Energy (Oxford). 2013, Vol 57, pp 95-105, issn 0360-5442, 11 p.Conference Paper

Réduction des vibrations liées à un supermarchéBOZZETTO, Denis; WASMINE, Walid.Acoustique & techniques (Neuilly-sur-Seine). 2011, Num 64, pp 57-59, issn 1263-8072, 3 p.Conference Paper

Evolution in public aquarium conceptsVAN DEN SANDE, P; JOUK, Ph.Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique (Monaco). 2000, Vol 20, Num 1, pp 85-96, issn 0304-5722, NSConference Paper

A modem Aquarium in an old historical Gothic BuildingTSCHIESCHE, K.-H; BENKE, H.Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique (Monaco). 2000, Vol 20, Num 2, pp 315-317, issn 0304-5722, NSConference Paper

The analysis of energy consumption of a commercial building in Tianjin, China : China energy efficiencyJING ZHAO; NENG ZHU; YONG WU et al.Energy policy. 2009, Vol 37, Num 6, pp 2092-2097, issn 0301-4215, 6 p.Article

Uncertainty analysis of the computer model in building performance simulationSILVA, Arthur Santos; GHISI, Enedir.Energy and buildings. 2014, Vol 76, pp 258-269, issn 0378-7788, 12 p.Article

Energy efficient building design using sensitivity analysis : A case studyFILIPE DE ALMEIDA FERREIRA TAVARES, Paulo; GOMES MARTINS, Antonio Manuel De Oliveira.Energy and buildings. 2007, Vol 39, Num 1, pp 23-31, issn 0378-7788, 9 p.Article

The physics and simulation of occupant traffic flow in the case of evacuating public building areaJIN TIAN.Transportation research. Part D, Transport and environment. 2014, Vol 30, pp 76-85, issn 1361-9209, 10 p.Article

Research on statistical methodology to investigate energy consumption in public buildings sector in ChinaSHUQIN CHEN; NIANPING LI; JUN GUAN et al.Energy conversion and management. 2008, Vol 49, Num 8, pp 2152-2159, issn 0196-8904, 8 p.Article

Thugga et Thamugadi : Exemples de cités africaines = Thugga and Thamugadi : Examples of African CitiesBRIAND-PONSART, Claude.Collection de l'Ecole française de Rome. 2003, Vol 309, pp 241-256, issn 0223-5099, 16 p.Article

Neubau Forum Messe Frankfurt = The new Frankfurt Fair Forum = Le nouveau Forum de la Foire de FrancfortGERLINK, H.Bautechnik (Berlin, 1984). 2002, Vol 79, Num 1, pp 10-15, issn 0932-8351, 6 p.Article

Der Umfau des Reichstagsgebaeudes zum Sitz des Deutschen Bundestags in Berlin. Tragwerksplanung. Teil 2 : Der Neubau = The reconstruction of the Reichstag, future seat of the German Parliament in Berlin. Structural design, 2 : new constructions = La reconstruction du Reichstag, futur siège du Parlement allemand. La structure, 2 : nouvelles constructionsFINK, R; THIELE, T; KAHL, M et al.Bautechnik (Berlin, 1984). 1999, Vol 76, Num 6, pp 463-471, issn 0932-8351Article

Projet «écométré» recherche et expérimentation d'une méthode d'expertise économique: rapport final = «Ecomètre» project: research a experimentation into an economic survey melthod: final report1996, 50 p.Report

Importance of patient education on home medical care waste disposal in JapanIKEDA, Yukihiro.Waste management (Elmsford). 2014, Vol 34, Num 7, pp 1330-1334, issn 0956-053X, 5 p.Article

Rapport : La loi Evin face au tabac = Report: The law Evin faces tobaccoLa Revue Prescrire. 2001, Vol 21, Num 214, pp 146-147, issn 0247-7750Article

Der Umbau des Reichstagsgebaeudes Zum Sitz des Deutschen Bundestages in Berlin. Tragwerksplanung. Teil 1 : Rueckbau und Umbau = The reconstruction of the Reichstag, future seat of the German Parliament. Structural design, 1 : restoration and reconstruction = La reconstruction du Reichstag, futur siège du Parlement allemand. La structure, 1 : remise en état et reconstructionFINK, R; LANGER, G.Bautechnik (Berlin, 1984). 1999, Vol 76, Num 5, pp 368-377, issn 0932-8351Article

Vom Kohlenkeller zum stadtgeschichtlichen Treffpunkt = From coal cellar to city historical meeting pointMEURER-SCHRÖDER, K.Bautenschutz + Bausanierung. 1997, Vol 20, Num 2, pp 32-37, issn 0170-9267Article

Quelles solutions pour satisfaire fumeurs et non-fumeurs ? = Satisfactory solutions for smokers and non-smokersCFP. Chaud froid plomberie. 1996, Vol 50, Num 577, pp 53-54, issn 0750-1552Article

France/Espagne: analyse comparée de la production d'équipements publics = France/Spain: comparative analysis of the production of public facilitiesCHIMITS, C; TAPIE, G.1994, 131 p.Report

Im Blickpunkt der ISH '93: Warmwasserfussbodenheizungen mit grosser Anwendungsbreite = Hot-water floor heating system with bigger application width, seen at the ISH'93Wärmetechnik (Stuttgart). 1993, Vol 38, Num 7, pp 369-375, issn 0720-3438, 6 p.Article

How a land use agency increases compost applicationsGILL, Ann.Biocycle. 2006, Vol 47, Num 3, pp 53-54, issn 0276-5055, 2 p.Article

Mixing and matching at the sunderland recycling facilityJACOBSEN, Jill.Biocycle. 2006, Vol 47, Num 5, pp 19-21, issn 0276-5055, 3 p.Article

Creating tomorrow's aquarium todayFLODIN, G; BECKER, J.Bulletin de l'Institut océanographique (Monaco). 2000, Vol 20, Num 2, pp 327-329, issn 0304-5722, NSConference Paper

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